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1 May

5 Reasons Why Double Dates Make Dating Easier for Shy Ones

Dating When Shy

For some people, dating is the ultimate anxiety inducer. Cue the nerves, the stuttering, and – ouch – the awkward silences. If you’re not feeling particularly bold, a double date could be the solution to your dating woes. Read about our solution for Dating When Shy!

Here are five reasons why double dating works wonders for shy people.

1. Stage fright? A double date takes a lot of the pressure off you, making it easy to be yourself.

2. It’s easier to keep conversation flowing with more people, which significantly reduces (eliminates?) the responsibility of keeping the convo going.

3. Getting to know someone in a group setting takes the edge off both of you. Your mind will be less consumed with anxiety, so you’ll have the chance to actually get to know your date and have fun.

4. A double date is key if you’re sort of into someone, but not sure how you’d do one-on-one. This is your chance to gauge your interest, and theirs too, without putting yourself out there.

5. Hey, the more, the merrier. Having a good time as a group will give your date a good impression of you and leave him or her feeling like it was a success, and you’re awesome.

If you’re planning a double date, make sure to choose the other couple carefully. You want fun friends that are lively, respectful of you and happy together. No one wants to be on a double date with a bickering couple.