3 Tips for a Romantic Night – Tonight!
Romantic Date Night
If you’re in a romantic drought, we doubt it’s because you don’t want to be romantic. More than likely, it’s because you don’t have the time or energy to plan something out. Well guess what? We’re Executive Fantasy Hotels, and if anyone understands that, it’s us. So we’ve decided to do all of the planning for you. Read up!
- Keep it Simple – Romance doesn’t always have to involve extravagance. You just have to think a bit more clearly about the things that are already available for sparking romance. For example, when was the last time you ran a bubble bath? Or how about making a fort out of blankets? These ideas cost you nothing, but they transform the mundane into something a bit more exciting than the norm.
- Play Dress-Up – Can’t afford to splurge on a night out? No problem. Everyone has at least one “going out” outfit, so why not throw it on for a night in? Treat your kitchen as if it were the most exclusive restaurant and town, and dress the part. Light a candle, serve the meal. The menu doesn’t matter – it’s the ambiance, and you can also add some ‘adult fun’ for next to nothing.
- Power-Off the Phones – These days, our phones are used for everything from calls to emails and texts and even more. When was the last time you shut off your phone for a movie, let alone an entire night? Challenge yourselves to do just that. Then, go ahead and soak up the quiet. With no distractions, you’ll have plenty of time to focus in on each other.
Got any tips of your own? We’d love to hear them. Share your fantasies, then come to visit us and live them out in one of our sultry themed rooms. We’re sure we’ll have you coming back for more.