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14 Jun

5 Tips to Put the Fantasy Back in Your Relationship

Spice Up The Bedroom

With the launch of ‘The Fantasy Diaries,’ it’s our goal to share some helpful tips and insights to improve your relationships and your love life. This week we’re exploring ways to break out of the relationship ruts that many of us fall in to. Take these five tips home with you tonight, and watch how quickly things start to look up.

1. Put the phone away

These days, our phones are as much a part of our routine as getting dressed and brushing our teeth. Along with, email and internet grabbing for our attention from sun up to sun down, it should come as no surprise that our relationships sometimes take a backseat to these devices. Want some more intimacy in your relationship? Put the phone down. First, start by carving out one hour every evening where you put the phone on silent, and use that hour to reconnect with your special someone. If it’s been a while since you reconnected, it may last much longer than an hour.

2. Physical affection (not just sex)

As a result of modern, busy schedules, many relationships are left void of even the most basic symbols of physical affection, never mind sex. Want to develop a routine filled with physical affection? Then, get back to basics and hold hands. Let that hug linger. Kiss more deeply. And, don’t be surprised if things start to heat up from there.

3. Make sex a priority

You want to. She wants to. The problem? You’re busy. You’re tired. The kids have practice. The list goes on and on. Think about it – your life is built around a schedule. Therefore, if you want to build something back in to your life, you simply need to make time for it. So, open up your Outlook and send her a meeting request. Finally, don’t be late – it’s a meeting you won’t want to miss. On second thought, set up weekly reminders, too.

4. Require creativity from yourself

Sex is like food. It can be very appetizing. But, if you eat the same thing every day, you’re bound to get tired of it. Thus, mixing up the routine is a good idea. Order something off the menu that you’ve wanted to sample, but haven’t felt adventurous enough to try. Sex is a menu loaded with tasty options. Make sure to try them all.

5. Communicate

The cure to most of what ails a relationship is communication. Sex is no different. Though sexual satisfaction can be an uncomfortable conversation to bring up, it’s important to get past your apprehensions and discuss it. Getting beyond the fear can get you to a place of constant openness and sexual discovery. What’s not to like about that?

Romantic Hotel Rooms

Have some tips of your own? Share them with us. And check back next week for more from ‘The Fantasy Diaries.’ Be sure to visit www.executivefantasyhotels.com and see how to take your fantasy game to the next level…