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6 Dec

Does Size Really Matter?

Bedroom Tips for Men

Yep. We went there. It’s a question that women talk about either aloud or in private, and it’s something that men wonder about – whether or not they’ll admit it.

Men’s ‘members’ come in all shapes and sizes, as is the case for women and their lady parts. So which ones create the best fit? Anatomically, a man’s length isn’t necessarily all it’s cracked up to be, at least in terms of a woman’s satisfaction. Instead, a woman’s most pleasure-packed areas are best triggered by a man’s girth.

But of course, size isn’t all that defines a man and his sexual capabilities. Being well endowed doesn’t qualify you as a great lover, the same way that being less-than-large doesn’t disqualify you. If you’re working with less, fear not. There are positions you can try that will generate more friction, and others like doggy style that allow you to better target the G-spot.

At the end of the day? Open communication about your sexual satisfaction will always be a game changer. If you can vocalize your likes and dislikes, you’ll both be better off. Big or small.

Unique Hotel Rooms

How about you? Do you think size matters? If so, tell us about it. The Executive Fantasy Hotels blog is all about exploring real fantasies with real people. We’re Miami’s premier couples paradise. And don’t forget – it’s okay to come inside.