Valentine’s Day expectations? Let’s talk about them!
Do you feel the magic in the air? Do you smell the love? February is here, and Valentine’s day is coming soon! While talking about romantic plans with your friends and getting tips from all around, doubts can certainly appear – should you keep it low key or make a big gesture? It is in such precise moments, where expectations take up an important role.
According to Dr. Connie Omari PhD, LPC, clinician and owner of Tech Talk Therapy, “Valentine’s Day offers the one opportunity in a year for couples to exclusively devote themselves to the love they share”. Dr. Omari makes a great point about Valentine’s Day. love holds many accounts of happiness and expecting surprises are rather encouraged in a perfect love story – surprises are ways to keep the excitement active after all.
First and foremost, communication is key to prevent any misunderstandings. Expressing your desires and having a talk with your partner, perhaps giving them some hints of what you may want to do, is a great approach and illuminates any unsaid expectations. At the end of the day, no one is a mind reader. The founder of Cyber- Dating said that “Valentine’s Day puts so much pressure on a couple, it’s best to talk about it with your partner in advance”. Both sides need to be clear with each other in order to be on the same page, otherwise high expectations can later lead to disappointment.
Paying attention to and understanding your partner’s feelings are very important. Since each person has unique thoughts, you may find that your significant other’s feelings can be completely different than your own. What if the day isn’t as important to them as you thought it would be? Or, perhaps it’s you to whom Valentine’s isn’t important? Experts say that it’s beneficial to see Valentine’s Day as a day to celebrate your your love for each other. Nothing has to be out of the ordinary as long you and your partner appreciate each other’s feelings. Gifts aren’t the purpose of Valentine’s Day, instead, it’s the opportunity to spend time together and create new moments and keep the love going. It’s more about the intentions.
Healthy relationships require communication, and it’s important to never assume what your partner may want for the day. Unless, of course, you have some solid hints to go on. If you’re willing to go big, then be proactive and talk directly about your intentions. Exactly what you intend to do with or give to your partner still remain a surprise. Adding some rules against over or under-doing may not seem like the greatest of ideas, but doing so can be beneficial while still keeping the element of surprise. This is a day when things can be made or broken, so do not let lack of communication ever take over.
If you are looking for ideas to celebrate your love, Executive Fantasy Hotels provide exciting environments to spend some passionate time together. We will have all the amenities you need ready to make this Valentine’s Day an unforgettable one for you and your partner. Check out our hotel rooms and let your imagination do the work. We are open 24/7, so whichever hour you may choose, we will be happy to help! We are wishing you all a wonderful and romantic Valentine’s Day.